From I.G.F ( International Union of Folklore Associations ), To Sedjerari Belabbes
Dear Mr. Director Abbes Sedjerari,With great pleasure I would like to informyou that I.G.F. Board accept your enter in ourEuropean and Extra-european Union I.G.F. in themeeting from 09-12 august 2013 wich was organizedin Belgrad-Serbia. So, from that moment we want tosay you welcome and also we want to tell you thatyou have the same rights like all others countriesfrom our Union.On the official website , you will find allinformations.I hope to see you soon at our first official meeting from 2014.Congratulations and welcome in I.G.F.
Best regards,
prof. phd. Dorel CosmaI.G.F. President